To place an order using PayPal, select a bundle quantity from the drop-down menu boxes below and then click a yellow "Add to Cart" button. PayPal will open up a new browser tab that shows the purchase invoice.
If a second bundle is desired, return your browser to the Canetankerous tab and make your second selection. PayPal will open a new browser tab (or ... re-open the first tab) and it will show both bundles in a combined invoice. Proceed as PayPal directs.
Super important warning: Do not change the quantity from "one," while on the PayPal website. Otherwise, you will be buying multiple bundles ... which is probably not your intention.
Model 1 Bundle Pricing Chart:
Model 2 Bundle Pricing Chart:
Note: Model 1 and Model 2 come with the SK-1 hard rubber shim kit.
Please contact us regarding foreign purchases.