About Us:


Canetankerous LLC is a small but feisty operation located in Seattle, Washington ... where ... the innovative Super Traction SafeTipTM crutch and walking cane attachments are assembled.

How We Got Started:

Our founder, "Caneman Craig," is an ornery old geezer who routinely uses walking canes as he perambulates around Seattle neighborhoods and environs.

In the past, in mossy driveway and icy parking lot circumstances, he has had his rubber-tipped cane suddenly lose traction and slip out from under him, thus causing an "almost fall."

After the third time this happened one winter, Caneman Craig, being an experienced mechanical engineer, decided to do something to fix the problem.

He did internet and patent searches for products and inventions that might have good combinations of high traction and practical self-defense capability.

Caneman Craig found many worthy products that provided good answers  to high traction ... but ... didn't look like they would do very well as a means for effective self-defense.  So ... he went to work.

The crutch and walking aid attachments, presented and offered for sale here, are the result of Caneman Craig's effort to fix the combined high traction and effective self-defense problem all at once ... and ... once-and-for-all.  Has he succeeded?  Well ... you be the judge!

Self-Defense Issues Had a Big Influence On Our Product Designs:

As it happens, Caneman Craig, in his poor and misspent youth, was an enthusiastic martial arts practitioner.  He started out in college with European style fencing and, in the course of many years practice, eventually won a Washington State, overall, three-weapon (foil-epee-saber), fencing championship.

Caneman Craig, not knowing when to quit, went on to practice Japanese-style fencing (Kendo), Aikido and Hapkido (a rather brutal combination of Korean Taekwondo and old-school Japanese Jujutsu).

Caneman Craig, for many years, enjoyed the training ... but ... achieved no particular tournament fame or dark-colored belts in the process.  He did receive a fair number of dark-colored bruises, however.

All said, Caneman Craig's martial arts experience gave him high regard for the self-defense opportunities a walking cane or crutch offers, and this has contributed much to the innovative Super Traction SafeTipTM Models 1 and 2 design, which embodies the practical self-defense attributes that Cantankerous LLC now offers for sale.

In Summary:

Caneman Craig routinely uses his walking cane attachments, which he has installed on several favorite canes ... and ... is well pleased with how they are working out for him.

Caneman Craig hopes that this will be the case for you also.  In any case, he wishes all walking cane and crutch users good health, long life ... and ... happiness in the time ahead.